Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Step Ya Game Up

As you can see by the title above, you know what I'm bout to be talking about. Today I'm writing about men and women who have trouble keeping the mate. I know this is gonna seem kinda weird reading this from someone who just so happens to be single, but that's not the fact of the matter. (lol)

I must address the women first, because sadly that's just how it is. Women first. Anyway, many of my friends which happen to mainly be female complain to me all the time about their men; how they don't think they interested in them anymore, the don't treat them like they use to and things of that nature.

If you having similar problems like my friends you simply need to "step ya game up!" If you been with ya man for a while and you feel like either you are him is loosing interest that's a sign you need to raise the bar, add some spice in your relationship or do something different.

Sex! If your man is like most men the "love" them some good sex. If that's where your lacking in your relationship, "STEP YA GAME UP!" Invest in some porn movies if you haven't already. Watch them, see what the stars are doing that you aren't. I'm not saying go out and be a porn star now. Although if that your scene, feel free. (no shade) Get some sex toys, become a dominatrix, or even sodomize him. Now pay close attention, if you sodomize him he getting really into it, and I'm mean really; like grabbing on the sheets and moaning deeply; YA MAN MIGHT JUST BE GAY. (poww)

If you notice ya man just changing, and its not the sex and your completely clueless that might be a heads up to talk about it. If he dodges you 3 times or makes an meaningless argument that just might be your hit to pack you LV suitcase and hit the door or tell him its just not working out and he needs to get to stepping.

Now, for the men who are having a bit of trouble keeping ya women that seem to be loosing interest, acting different or anything to that nature; its time to take a listen.(read rather) STEP YA GAME UP! Your the man of the relationship. That means from time to time you call the shots. Not all the time now. But if ya lady acting a tad bit different you might need to look at ya self and see whats wrong. Are you giving he the money she needs to take care of her everyday tasks?, are you putting it on correctly in the bedroom?, and are you treating her with respect?
Men especially I'm this day and age NEED to get it together. If you ain't got not job, no car, no education, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? Like really. A lady/man ain't a gold digger if they require the basic need that yous should time to time be providing. (hands down)

In conclusion, if you want what you got to work you need to STEP YA GAME UP! You might loose out on something that's a real treasure. "You wanna keep it?, work to maintain it."

ps. "One man's trash is another man's treasure"
