Friday, February 26, 2010

When Do You Give It Up?

If you read the title of today's blog topic, your mind is probably going into the dam gutter. Well its heading in the right direction. lol

Today's topic is attempts to answer the question of, "when is the right time to give up your virginity or is there even a right time?" Its been on my mind for quite some time. Many of my friends have lost their virginity, some at a young age and some just recently. Its truly amazing to me!

Your virginity is you innocence. Its kind of what makes you pure. Some may refer to your virginity as just the pureness of your genital area, and your genital are being untouched and things of that nature. To me your virginity is the pureness of both your genitals and your mouth. (lol) You know what that means, blow jobs (sucking dick) as well.

Now the question of the day, "when is the right time?" In my opinion there is no right time. When you love the nigga or the chick with all your heart and your ready to take that next step which is sex, you should go for it. ONLY UNDER ON CONDITION SHOULD YOU DO THAT. Only if both partners involved are mature enough and their bodies are sexually ready for sex, weather it be oral sex or penetration.

In conclusion, your virginity is a priceless treasure that once its gone its not gonna come back. You may cry, beg, and curse but you virginity wont come back once its gone. Think before you put your legs in a "V" or open your mouth. Wear protection, and be sexually aware. Its your body so take care of it.

Word To The Wise (W.T.T.W): Spit don't swallow, and remember to tell him to pull out!


Thursday, February 25, 2010

"Thats So Gay"

Today's blog topic is a very controversial one. Its about the phrase, "that's so gay." Each time i hear this demeaning and dreadful phrase it keeps up some negative vibe in my spirit. For those of you who are not familiar with the phrase, "that's so gay", it means or alternates something or situation that is stupid, lame or dumb.

Why does that situation, thing or person have to be referred to as gay in a negative way? Why could that not be substituted for something else like, that's so silly or that so dumb, or that's just lame? Its demeaning and disrespectful to any gay individual who hears it.

Sadly i was able to hear this horrid phrase first hand. During March of 2009 i attend a conference in Washington D.C. where i shard a hotel room with 3 other boys. 2 of the boys we of white decent, and the other boy and myself was of African American decent. On the day we were to attend the royal tour of the capital building I begun to get dressed. Now, when i get dressed, i get dressed in a specific order. I brush my teeth without my shirt on. Then when I'm finished i put on my shocks, then apply lotion to my skin, then put on my shirt, and so forth. So as i got dresses on of the boys who was of white decent noticed my was of getting dressed and muttered, "why you get dressed like that?" I stood in awe that he had had the balls to ask me that. I replied, "that's just how i do it." That's when he mumbled from his mouth the 3 words that tore me up inside, "THAT'S SO GAY." I simply replied, "whatever." At that time i was not in the mood for any confrontation, being that it was so early in the morning. I simply left the situation alone.

Now that i think back on what happened, it was so foolish of him to say something like that. Not only was it foolish it was disrespectful.

Concluding today's blog entry i wanna leave you with the thought. How you feel if someone said, " that's so straight!" Would that be more appropriate or better in some kind of sick, demented way? No! it wont. Its just bias and dumb. Think about it and think before you speak. You don't know who around you may happen to be gay and get highly offended.

I leave you with this useful tip, "Expand ya fuckin vocabulary and stop the hate!"


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Step Ya Game Up

As you can see by the title above, you know what I'm bout to be talking about. Today I'm writing about men and women who have trouble keeping the mate. I know this is gonna seem kinda weird reading this from someone who just so happens to be single, but that's not the fact of the matter. (lol)

I must address the women first, because sadly that's just how it is. Women first. Anyway, many of my friends which happen to mainly be female complain to me all the time about their men; how they don't think they interested in them anymore, the don't treat them like they use to and things of that nature.

If you having similar problems like my friends you simply need to "step ya game up!" If you been with ya man for a while and you feel like either you are him is loosing interest that's a sign you need to raise the bar, add some spice in your relationship or do something different.

Sex! If your man is like most men the "love" them some good sex. If that's where your lacking in your relationship, "STEP YA GAME UP!" Invest in some porn movies if you haven't already. Watch them, see what the stars are doing that you aren't. I'm not saying go out and be a porn star now. Although if that your scene, feel free. (no shade) Get some sex toys, become a dominatrix, or even sodomize him. Now pay close attention, if you sodomize him he getting really into it, and I'm mean really; like grabbing on the sheets and moaning deeply; YA MAN MIGHT JUST BE GAY. (poww)

If you notice ya man just changing, and its not the sex and your completely clueless that might be a heads up to talk about it. If he dodges you 3 times or makes an meaningless argument that just might be your hit to pack you LV suitcase and hit the door or tell him its just not working out and he needs to get to stepping.

Now, for the men who are having a bit of trouble keeping ya women that seem to be loosing interest, acting different or anything to that nature; its time to take a listen.(read rather) STEP YA GAME UP! Your the man of the relationship. That means from time to time you call the shots. Not all the time now. But if ya lady acting a tad bit different you might need to look at ya self and see whats wrong. Are you giving he the money she needs to take care of her everyday tasks?, are you putting it on correctly in the bedroom?, and are you treating her with respect?
Men especially I'm this day and age NEED to get it together. If you ain't got not job, no car, no education, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? Like really. A lady/man ain't a gold digger if they require the basic need that yous should time to time be providing. (hands down)

In conclusion, if you want what you got to work you need to STEP YA GAME UP! You might loose out on something that's a real treasure. "You wanna keep it?, work to maintain it."

ps. "One man's trash is another man's treasure"


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Domestic Violence

Today's official blog discussion topic is domestic violence. After asking around and getting opinions from my fellow peers. The topic of domestic violence stood out to me. Though i dislike writing about the negative, i feel its necessary to state me opinion on this issue.
When is right to put you hands on another person?, other than out of self defense. i find it completely disgusting when a man in particular puts his hand on a woman or even another man. Its not right. Biologically proven men have a higher muscle mass than women.(naturally) I know some men do get off on beating women and watching them beg for mercy. Those type of men anger me to no end! "Most" men are naturally dominant, and that's just the way it has been from the beginning of time, but when men take this dominant nature to the extreme and disrespect women/men it becomes an issue.

Now i know some readers, are probably wondering, "well what about the women that abuse, violate, disrespect, and hurt men?" Well like i stated above men biologically have more muscle mass than women so most are prone to take more blows or damage. Even though that may be the case, that gives women no right to put their hands on a man other than in an effort of self defense.

"I do find it kinda funny when a woman puts an ass whooping' on a man. (giggle)"

In conclusion, domestic violence is wrong and a lawful crime. STOP STOP STOP the violence! If you don't want to hit don't hit someone else. And even if you want to be hit in some kind of weird, deranged way, its still not right.
Men, man up and know your place. Respect women (even if your gay). And women do the same. Its not cute hitting someone and being hit.
If you wanna hit something, find an alternative like exercising, taking a long walk, get a stress ball or work it out in the bedroom. (seriously)


Comming Out

Recently one of my friends have came out to their parents about being a bisexual. His mom didn't take it very well of course. She was enraged and took his phone away and all other means of communication. She screamed, "that's not who you are!"
After my friend told me about the situation I decided i just had to write this blog entry. I was upset and in awe when my friend told me what had happened. It surprised me how "some" parents still react to a child who comes out to them as lesbian, gay, bisexual and in some cases transgendered.
Why should a child have to go through that? Being cast out of the family for their sexual preference. Its ridiculous! This is America and its filled with diversity and different preferences. As we advance in years, L.G.B.T. individuals should be more accepted and loved just as anyone else.
A little food for thought for the bias and judgmental parents of L.G.B.T children, listen, understand, be patient, and most of all be respectful to anyone who is trying to come out to you. Its a huge step, and difficult for most people to do. Don't make it any more difficult than it is already.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Sexually Active Teens

For my first blog I decided to tackle the topic of "Sexually active Teens". I choose that topic because the seems to be trending among my friends. I'll target 3 main points in this new post. They include:
  • Pros(good or positive) of being sexually active as a teen
  • Cons(bad or negative) of being sexually active as a teen
  • My opinion

Pros of being sexually active as a teen
Are there pros of having sex while still in the teenage era of ones life? Honestly i don't think so, but incidentally i was able to find a pros to this situation.
Exposure, is one element i managed to extract from this topic that seems to almost have no positive around it. A teen exposed to sex or engaging in sexual acts epically at a young age is likely to know what to expect when they have fully entered the era of adulthood.
Learning form their first time and acquiring new tricks and positions will could possibly boost the confidence of that teen when in the bedroom, or wherever that teen chooses to handle their business.

Cons of being sexually active as a teen
Well obviously there are a few cons anyone could find in a teen that chooses to be sexually active. One obvious con is the risk of getting or spread of a STD (sexually transmitted disease).
Another con would be embarrassment from family and friends. As most teens know sex its self if a touchy subject when not up to paw on his/her maturity level. When friends find out they often tend to look at that sexually active teen in a different way. Family may be insulted or offended that a family has chosen to become sexually active,(epically before marriage).

My Opinion
Finally my official opinion. Sex is sex and its bound to happen. At what age is usually an issue for me to decide upon. Teenage starts at age 13 and ends at age 19. Well i actually think there should not be an age bracket around when to have sex. It all depends on the maturity level between partners have and mutual feelings they share. Incidentally the rate of sexually active teens is growing and there is basically nothing we can do to stop them. The only thing i would suggest is giving them the proper tools to carry out these activities and try to encourage them to practice safe sex.

In conclusion teens of this era are more sexual than ever so why fight it? My advice, "wrap it up", "no glove no love", and simply practice safe sex.

- Genesis

Who Is Genesis

Who is Genesis Simon you may ask. I best describe myself as a handsome, caring, understandable, sensitive, unique, and mature individual. I enjoy writing, dancing, listening, and visiting social networking sites.
Some things that make me smile are beautiful, confident, strong, and productive individuals. Things that do the opposite are, insecure, pessimistic, argumentative, homophobic, and hypocritical individuals.
I aspire to be a famous author and journalist and one day be a news anchor for the huge new network CNN in Atlanta Georgia. I also enjoy graphic designing and digital art.

I expect to travel the world, and allow everyone to be in the presence of my talent, and individualism. With God's will, and mighty power I hope to make that all possible.

Through this blog I'll share my opinions on various topics and issues that affect me and as well as people around the world.

I hope you follow me and read along, as I update and keep you posted. Feel free to tell a friend, a brother, a sister, a mother, or a father. I just may make the world of a difference in someones life.

p.s. Parental discretion is advised