Sunday, April 18, 2010

Church: (A Place of Peace OR Judgement)

Today/tonight's blog entry is about my experience i had currently at a church service i attend. I have been attending this church for most of my life. Through the years, multiple pastors have served their time; some I have like and some i have not.

At the most recent service i attended i was confronted by the present pastor, who i am not fond of. I had not been attending church for quite some time because of my busy schedule, but when ever i get the chance i make it my business to attend early service which starts at 6:15am oppose to the one that starts as 8:44am. Because i work on Sundays at 10:00am on most Sundays, I've always chosen to attend the early service.

At this particular service service the pastor approached me during fellowship/greeting time and asked, "I have not seen you at 8:45am church for a long time, whats the deal?" I replied, "I work on Sundays, so i choose to attend the 6:15am service." The pastor then made a face of disgust, and replied, "I hope you can tell God that." She then walked away shaking her head.

At this time i was so upset that she actually told me something like that. The church is suppose to be a place of peace, fellowship, not judgment, and disrespect. The pastor does not know my situation, and for her to make such a remark really offended me. Though i am busy i try my very best to go to church and praise the lord. I could have make the decision not to attend and simply go about my business.

As of that Sunday i have no more respect for this pastor. she is truly the emblem of two-face-tedness and judgment; everything a pastor should not be.

(leave a comment below and let me know if you think the pastor was right for what she told me or was she out of line)


  1. oh no she should of not of did that. dude if that what of happened to me i would of went off on her. she should be lucky that she is able to help you find the Lord not hate on your situation.

  2. No,she was completely out of line for her remark, as IF you hadn't added "I come to the 6am service." Ask her if she can raise HER Holier than Thou behind out of the bed at 5am, attend a church service, then still have a however long hour shift you work to go to. Tell her to saddown somewhere in her freshly starched robe & go help someone who doesn't come to church at ALL. That's one thing I can't stand about organized worship; as soon as you miss a Sunday, you have the Holy Hounds nipping at your heels & making judgment on things they have no right to judge about. Kudos to you for not giving her a sanctified cursing out after that, b/c it would have taken God, Allah, & all the 12 homies to hold my tongue on THAT one.
