Saturday, March 6, 2010

Social Networks for Love

For all my followers that keep up with my post I am terribly sorry that i did post a blog entry yesterday.(Friday March,5) I was very busy with school work. Balancing the two can become really hard some times. Non the less, I just had to get up this Saturday morning and give my supporters at least one blog entry. So here it is, "Social Networks for love". Read on to get my take on people who use social networks to find love and relationships.

ps. Blogging schedule= Mon.-Wed.& Fri- Blogging topics/ No blogging= Sat.&Sun. (schedule my altered if by request of topic or breaking topic! (that is all)

Now for today's blog entry topic, Social Networking for Love. Ill be giving my take on why people use social networks as an outlet for love, is it effective, and can love actually last over the Internet using a social network.

When i was younger,(like 13) i discovered social networking and also became a member of my first social network. Like most things it started off fun and exciting. I practicaly lived on that social networking site. It was not surprise that soon i would look for romance using the sight. I messaged people that peaked my interest, and talked to random individuals. I meet a couple of people and actually caught feeling for some of them. Soon enough i came to the realization that more than half of these people of the net was not who they said they were and will i ever even meet these people in the outside world. "No." That is when i said no more of that for me, and no longer used social networking for love. Now I use social networking sites to meet friends that share similar interest as me, and for promotional reasons.

On any given day i would check my Facebook profile and stumble upon countless messages form both genders asking for my number, and asking me personal information about my self. I often shake my head at the ones that seem extremely thirsty for love.

If i can recall, i remember on message saying, "Hey Genesis, i really like you and i wanna be with you. i just wana be the one to hold you down, give you what you need,and make you feel good. Im so in love with you. please respond." Upon reading that i was in awe. I asked myself, " is this person serious?" It amazed me how i did not even know the person and the were willing to be with me for what looked like a life time.

Now don't get me wrong, i do know people who have found their partners through a social networking site. I'm not going to knock it and say that its corny, and a waste of time. If your willing to actually get to know the person, and take the time to see what they are actually abut the possibility are endless.

In conclusion, social networks are a great way to communicate and get to know new people. In some cases even for looking for that significant other. If your going to use a social networking site as a means for finding love or romance, take the time to get to know the person, don't come on to strong and desperate, don't be a stalker, and just be real.


1 comment:

  1. Nice I agree with your concluding statement! Be blessed!
